2015 Roman Engineering LLC self-performs "Coastal Slope Bank Stabilization" project Nahant, MA. |
2015 Roman Engineeing LLC self-performs "Coir Envelopes" with NETCO Nahant MA. |
2015 Roman Engineering LLC self-performs access road for "Coastal Slope Bank Stabilization" project Nahant, MA. |
2015 Roman Engineering self-performs coastal shoreline protection with stone & filter fabric Revetment @ Costin property Nahant, MA.
2015 Roman Engineering self-performs coastal shoreline protection with stone & filter fabric Revetment @ Costin property Nahant, MA. |
2015 Roman Engineering self-performs coastal shoreline protection with stone & filter fabric Revetment @ Bisignani property Nahant, MA. |
2014 DCR Boat Ramp Lynn/Nahant Causeway: Cost engineering & management with Beacon Merchant Construction, Inc. |
2014 DCR Boat Ramp Lynn/Nahant Causeway: Cost engineering & management with Beacon Merchant Construction, Inc. |
2014 DCR Nahant Causeway completion, MA: Cost engineering & management with Beacon Merchant Construction, Inc. |



2013 Mirage Lounge, Revere MA: Self-perform Revetment along the Saugus River; Joint Venture with Northshore Heavy Equipmet Inc. |
2013 DCR Nahant Causeway, MA: Cost engineering & management with Pihl, Inc. |
2013 Mirage Lounge, Revere MA: Self-perform Revetement along Saugus River; Joint Venture with Northshore Heavy Equipment, Inc. |



2012 Nahant Cuaseway, MA: Cost engineering & management with Pihl, Inc. & RDA Const. Corp. |
2012 Nahant Causeway, MA: Revetment construction with Pihl, Inc. & RDA Const. Corp. |
2012 Nahant Causeway, MA: Revetment construction with Pihl, Inc. & RDA Const. Corp. |



2011 Nahant Causeway, MA: Revetment construction with Pihl, Inc. & RDA Const. Corp. |
2010 DCR Nahant Causeway, MA: Cost engineering & management with Pihl, Inc. |
2010 DCR Nahant Causeway, MA: Cost engineering & management with Pihl, Inc. |
2007 Marblehead Neck Causeway Rehabilitaion, MA: Cost engineering & management with Pihl, Inc.-RDA Const. Corp. Joint Venture. |
2008 Marblehead Neck Causeway, MA: Revetment work; Cost engineering & management with Pihl, Inc.-RDA Const. Corp. Joint Venture. |
2008 Marblehead Neck Causeway, MA: Roadway, Utiltiy & Seawall reconstruction; Cost engineering & management with Pihl, Inc.-RDA Cost. Corp JV. |



2006 Hodge Boiler Works, East Boston MA: Cost engineering and management of recycled materials; timber & steel, etc.. |
2005 Demolition of Hodge Boiler Works, East Boston MA: Cost engineering & management with RDA Const. Corp. |
2004 Sitework & Piles @ ICA, Boston MA: Self-perform by Beneficial Site Recycling, Inc. & RDA Const. Corp. |


2006 Masssport Fish Pier, Emergency Ice House Demolition, Boston MA: Cost engineering & management with RDA Const. Corp. |
2003 Lincln Plaza, Worcester MA: Self-perform by Beneficial Site Recycling, Inc. crushing and processing of onsite demolished materials; concrete, masonry, asphalt pavement & ledge for "beneficial reuse" onsite. |
2002 Hanscom Airforce Base, Hanscom MA: Self-perform by Beneficial Site Recycling, Inc. crushing and processing of onsite demolished materials; concrete & asphalt pavement for "beneficial reuse" onsite. |

2000 Burlington Properties, Burlington MA: Self-perform by Beneficial Site Recycling, Inc of screenings and rock debris for "beneficial reuse" onsite. |
1999 Demolition Baystate Lobster Company Buildings, Boston MA: Cost engineering & management with RDA Const. Corp.
1999 Removal of Timber Piles Baystate Lobster Company, Boston MA: Cost engineering & management with RDA Const. Corp. |

1990 Sitework Quarry Hill Regional HS, Munson MA: Cost engineering & management with Nota Const. Corp. for Above Ground Mining; tree/brush clearing, timber harvesting, stump grinding, earthwork, ledge blasting, onsite crushing, material processing, utilities, building excavation, pavement & landscaping. |
1994 Beam Replacment Sprague Street Bridge, Dedham MA: Cost engineering & management with Sciaba Corporation.
1988 Sitework Costco, Avon MA: Cost engineering & management with Nota Const. Corp. for Above Ground Mining; tree/brush clearing, timber harvesting, stump grinding, earthwork, ledge blasting, onsite crushing, material processing, utilities, building excvation, retaining walls, pavement & landscaping. |
1985 Seaport Landing PH 2, Lynn MA: Cost engineering budget with Intercontinental Corp |
1980 Pedestrian Bridges over Muddy River, The Fens Boston MA: Cost engineering & management with Sciaba Corporation. |
1980 Pile installation Muddy River, The Fens, Boston MA: Cost Engineering & management with Sciaba Corporation. |
1980 Fine Masonry Inc.; My father "Frank B. Roberto" stands in front of one of his rip/rap stone wall just completed in Swampscott, MA |
1968 Fine Masonry Inc. My father "Frank B. Roberto" poses front of granite stone habitat he is constructing at the Stoneham Zoo, MA. |
1967 Fine Masonry Inc; I'm watching my father build a set of brick stairs & flagstone patio in Lynn, MA. |